
Make a consultation submission

Submission closes for comment on 2025-02-28T23:59:00

Guidance for Biosolids Management in the Northern Territory

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Submission contents
500 out of 500 words remaining.

There is no word limit in attachments, file sizes are limited to 20MB or less.

All submissions received during an environmental impact assessment process (including your name and postcode) will be provided to the proponent and published on the NT EPA webpage, unless approval is granted by the NT EPA to withhold a submission, or part of a submission, from publication. Read the guide for making a public submission.

Collection statement

Purpose: The purpose for the collection of information is to seek broad community involvement:

  • during the process of environmental impact assessment and environmental approval as per section 3 of the Environment Protection Act 2019, or
  • during the process of developing guidance material as per section 291 of the Environment Protection Act 2019.

Failure to collect information: If the NT EPA does not collect this information, then the NT EPA will be unable to consider your comment in the environmental impact assessment or approval process.

Who is collecting the information: The information is collected by the Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security, who provide services to the NT EPA.

Who to contact for more information: The department’s privacy policy sets out how you can access and/or correct your personal information and how you can make a complaint if you feel we have not complied with the Privacy Act 1988.

All enquiries about access, correction or to make a complaint should be directed to the privacy officer on 08 8999 4410 business days, 8am to 4:21pm or write to PO Box 496, Palmerston, NT 0831 or email

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