
Proponent: Imperial Oil & Gas Pty Ltd


Imperial Oil & Gas Pty Ltd is proposing the Carpentaria Pilot Program (CPP) for the recovery of petroleum on an appraisal basis at its unconventional gas project on EP 187 (NT Portion 5706) approximately 66 km west of Cape Crawford.

The proposal follows on from petroleum exploration and appraisal undertaken within EP 187 since 2019 and will include drilling, stimulation, tie-in of wells and appraisal testing at up to four new well pads and two existing well pads. It also includes construction of the Carpentaria Gas Plant (CGP) and Water Handling Station (WHS) and the installation of buried gas and wastewater flowlines between well pads, the WHS, and the CGP. The total land disturbance is approximately 226 hectares and the proposed groundwater extraction is up to 950 ML over five years.

Imperial will apply to the Minister for Mining and Industry for approval to recover petroleum on an appraisal basis under Section 57AAA of the Petroleum Act 1984 and if successful export gas via the McArthur River Pipeline to the McArthur River Gas Plant.

Stage 1: Referral

NT EPA notices

Public consultation on the referral

The NT EPA invites public comment on the referral. Interested persons may make a submission by 26 April 2024.

Please refer to the NT EPA consultation page.


Referral Type
Referral form PDF 484.3 KB
Referral main document - Part 1 PDF 8.3 MB
Referral main document - Part 2 PDF 8.6 MB
Referral main document - Part 3 PDF 15.3 MB
Referral - Appendix 00 - EMP (redacted in part) PDF 19.5 MB
EMP - Appendix 01 - Environmental Assessment Report (redacted in part) PDF 6.8 MB
EMP - Appendix 02 - Archaeological Survey Report (redacted in part) PDF 10.7 MB
EMP - Appendix 03 - Rehabilitation Plan (redacted in part) PDF 1.7 MB
EMP - Appendix 04 - Weed Management Plan (redacted in part) PDF 6.7 MB
EMP - Appendix 05 - Erosion Sediment Control Plan (redacted in part) PDF 4.9 MB
EMP - Appendix 06 - Waste and Wastewater Management Plan PDF 1.7 MB
EMP - Appendix 07 - Spill Management Plan PDF 1.5 MB
EMP - Appendix 08 - Human Health Environmental Risk Assessment PDF 21.3 MB
EMP - Appendix 09 - Emergency Response Contingency Plan (redacted in part) PDF 1.8 MB
EMP - Appendix 10 - Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation Plan Part 1 (redacted in part) PDF 19.0 MB
EMP - Appendix 10 - Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation Plan Part 2 (redacted in part) PDF 18.4 MB
EMP - Appendix 10 - Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation Plan Part 3 (redacted in part) PDF 18.8 MB
EMP - Appendix 10 - Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation Plan Part 4 (redacted in part) PDF 19.0 MB
EMP - Appendix 10 - Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation Plan Part 5 (redacted in part) PDF 18.6 MB
EMP - Appendix 11 - Traffic Impact Assessment PDF 895.4 KB
EMP - Appendix 12 - Bushfire Management Plan (redacted in part) PDF 1.7 MB
EMP - Appendix 13 - Methane Emissions Management Plan PDF 549.2 KB
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