Summary of Recommendations
It is acknowledged that during implementation of proposals outlined in the EIS, flexibility is necessary and desirable to allow for minor and non-substantial changes to the design and specifications which have been examined as part of this assessment. It is considered that subsequent statutory approvals for this project could make provisions for such changes, where it can be shown that the changes are not likely to have a significant effect on the environment.
Subject to decisions which permit the Darwin LNG Plant and Pipeline to proceed, the recommendations resulting from the assessment are set out below.
Recommendation 1
The proponent shall ensure that the proposal is implemented in accordance with the environmental commitments and safeguards identified in the Darwin LNG Plant draft Environmental Impact Statement, as modified in the Supplement to the draft EIS and as recommended in this assessment report.
Recommendation 2
In preparing the Environmental Management Plan the proponent shall include any additional measures for environmental protection and monitoring contained in recommendations made by the Commonwealth and Northern Territory Governments with respect to the proposal. The EMP shall be referred to Environment Australia and relevant NT agencies for review prior to finalisation, after which it shall become a public document. The EMP shall form the basis for any approvals and licences issued under the forthcoming Waste Management and Pollution Control Act.
Recommendation 3
In the event that an expansion of the LNG Plant is proposed, the revised project design shall be submitted to the NT Government for further assessment under the NT Environmental Assessment Act 1982.
Recommendation 4
The final route of the subsea pipeline and any associated surveys, studies and consultations undertaken to determine the final alignment, shall be made available to relevant NT agencies for comment. In particular, the proponent shall demonstrate that the route has been selected to avoid:
- areas requiring blasting or substantial preparatory earthworks;
- areas of recreational or conservation significance;
- areas of significance to fishing activity;
- areas which may be inhabited by rare or endangered species;
- protected maritime heritage areas;
- shallow water depths, or shoals, where corals or other significant habitat may exist; and
- marine Aboriginal sacred sites.
Recommendation 5
The proposed pipeline alignment survey shall be undertaken in close consultation with relevant Northern Territory agencies. In the event that new wrecks or other historical material are found, the proponent shall advise the Heritage Conservation Branch of the DLPE.
Recommendation 6
The proponent shall prepare an evaluation of the dredging, excavation and spoil disposal options. A dredging plan, addressing the environmental impacts, shall be submitted to the NT Government and Environment Australia for approval prior to commencement. The plan shall include proposed measures to ensure protection of the Channel Island coral assemblages. These measures shall include implementation of baseline studies, turbidity plume monitoring, a reactive coral monitoring program (if required), and contingency measures to be implemented if monitoring indicates adverse impacts.
Development of any monitoring and assessment programs associated with the dredging plan shall be undertaken in consultation with the relevant NT Government agencies.
Recommendation 7
An Acid Sulphate Soil Management Plan and Monitoring Program shall be prepared in consultation with relevant NT Government agencies. Sampling and analysis of potential acid sulphate soils should be conducted as part of preparing the plan. The plan shall include monitoring of leachate from any soil or spoil retention areas and reclamation areas, and contingency measures in the event leachate is found to be contaminated.
Recommendation 8
The proponent shall consult with relevant NT Government agencies on measures needed, and applicable standards, for use of wastewater for land irrigation and/or as filtered discharge through mangroves, with a view to avoiding direct discharge to the waters of Darwin Harbour. If direct discharges are required, modelling of the effluent mixing zone shall be undertaken to the satisfaction of relevant NT Government agencies to ensure that sufficient dilution will occur at the proposed discharge point to minimise impacts on nearby marine habitats.
Recommendation 9
The pipeline component of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) shall address preparatory requirements for the pipeline (eg spanning support, rock dumping and stabilisation requirements) and measures to be implemented for the protection of the environment. The EMP shall also include measures to avoid and minimise impacts associated with laybarge operations including liquid and solid waste management and disposal, anchoring systems, and control of turbidity associated with rock dumping.
Recommendation 10
The pipeline component of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) shall address preparatory requirements for the pipeline (eg spanning support, rock dumping and stabilisation requirements) and measures to be implemented for the protection of the environment. The EMP shall also include measures to avoid and minimise impacts associated with laybarge operations including liquid and solid waste management and disposal, anchoring systems, and control of turbidity associated with rock dumping.
Recommendation 11
The proponent shall include, as part of the EMP, specific measures to minimise loss and disturbance to remaining mangrove and dry rainforest habitat at Wickham Point. This shall include measures to avoid unnecessary clearing and disturbance during construction, measures to monitor and control weed and feral animal incursions, and measures to minimise fire risks.
Recommendation 12
The proponent shall ensure that on-going management of remaining vegetation and fauna habitats will be undertaken, including monitoring of weeds and feral animals and prevention of fires. The EMP shall include measures to mitigate any impacts in the event that adjacent vegetation appears to be affected as a result of the operation of the plant. Vegetation management and mosquito breeding sites shall be included in the Site Environmental Audit.
Recommendation 13
The proponent shall consult with DLPE regarding preparation of the atmospheric emissions inventory and any related monitoring. Both the inventory and any monitoring shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the DLPE.
The proponent shall verify, by monitoring for NO2, that there will be no exceedances, arising from atmospheric emissions, of the standards contained in the proposed Ambient Air Quality NEPM. Monitoring procedures and data reporting must meet the NEPM requirements and Australian Standards. Monitoring points shall be determined in consultation with DLPE.
Recommendation 14
The EMP shall include a section specifically addressing commitments and strategies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This shall include, for example, provisions for regular greenhouse gas audits, a process for continuous review of new technologies to identify opportunities to reduce emissions, and benchmarking against other LNG facilities with a view to achieving international best practice in terms of CO2 emissions per unit of production. Opportunities for offsetting greenhouse gas emissions, including support for relevant research shall also be addressed.
The greenhouse gas strategy shall be provided to Environment Australia and the DLPE for comment. Participation in the Greenhouse Challenge Program should also be explored by the proponent.
Recommendation 15
The proponent shall ensure that relevant components of the Hazard and Risk Assessment cover ecological risk as well as risk to human life. All components of the Hazard and Risk Assessment, including Emergency Response Plans, shall be provided to the NT Government for review before finalisation.
Recommendation 16
Negotiations between the proponent, the RAAF, Darwin Airport authorities, Air Services Australia and the Civil Aviation Authority to resolve outstanding concerns in regard to safety interactions between flaring and approaches to the north-south runway at the airport are noted. If negotiations indicate the potential for safety interactions, further analysis of hazards and risks to aircraft from flaring shall be required prior to a final decision on the type or nature of flaring to be used.
Recommendation 17
The proponent shall provide a Pipeline Rupture Management and Contingency Plan for the entire length of pipeline, prior to its commissioning. This Plan should outline detailed measures to minimise risks of leakage and rupture, including external risks to the pipeline, and strategies and systems to monitor, detect and repair leaks (including measures to detect and repair potential areas of leakage). Detailed contingency measures to ensure quick reaction to major incidents, including measures to minimise environmental harm and environmental remediation if required, shall also be included. The plan shall be prepared to the satisfaction of Environment Australia, the Commonwealth Department of Primary Industries and Energy and the Northern Territory and Western Australian Governments.
Recommendation 18
An emergency management plan addressing LNG carrier operations at sea, in Darwin Harbour and at berth shall be developed in consultation with relevant authorities such as the Darwin Port Authority and Australian Maritime Safety Authority. The plan shall include matters such as measures to ensure compliance with national and international safety regimes, reporting procedures and organisational responsibilities in the event of incidents, control of incident responses, contingency measures to minimise risks to human safety and the environment, minimum resources to be held on ship and at berth to deal with credible contingencies, and interactions with shore based or other emergency response teams.
Recommendation 19
An oil spill contingency plan for the port facility shall be prepared by the proponent, within the overall context of the Darwin Port Authority Oil Spill Contingency Plan. The site specific plan should include an assessment of potential risks of spills and credible volumes, potential oil spill trajectories, maps of priority areas for protection including aquaculture facilities, deployment of equipment to protect priority areas, integration with the Darwin Port Authority Plan, inventory of equipment to deal with control and clean-up (including materials held at the wharf for immediate clean-up of minor spills), strategies , actions and responsibilities for any clean-up, and a training and exercise regime (including with Northern Territory authorities).
Recommendation 20
The proponent shall ensure that decommissioning is carried out according to the best environmental standards available at the time.
Recommendation 21
The proponent shall consult with the DLPE in the preparation, implementation and review of all monitoring programs. The DLPE shall also be consulted regarding any mechanisms and actions developed as a response to monitoring results.