This report assesses the environmental impact of the proposal by Rustler's Roost Mining Pty Ltd to expand and upgrade the Rustler's Roost Gold Mine on the Old Mount Bundey Station, approximately 100 km south east of Darwin (Figure 1) The company currently operates an open pit, heap leach gold mine and proposes to deepen and join the existing pits, install a new treatment plant and construct a tailings dam. The current operations were subject to environmental impact assessment in 1994 in the form of a Preliminary Environmental report. This assessment deals specifically with the issues arising from the expansion and upgrading of the mine.
The report reviews the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), comments received during the review and the company's response to the comments in the Supplement to the draft EIS. The draft EIS and the Supplement constitutes the final EIS.
1.1 Environmental Assessment Process
Environmental impact assessment is predicated on defining those elements of the environment which may be affected by a proposal, and on determining the significance, risks and consequences of the potential impacts of the proposal at a local and regional level.
This report assesses the adequacy of the EIS in achieving the above objectives and evaluates the undertakings and environmental safeguards proposed by the proponent to mitigate potential impacts. Further safeguards are recommended as appropriate.
The safeguards may be implemented at various levels within the planning framework of the proposal. These levels are:
- Site selection;
- Layout of facilities;
- Design of facilities;
- Processes used in facilities (inputs and outputs); and
- Management of facilities and processes.
This report forms the basis of advice to the Northern Territory Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment on the environmental issues associated with the proposal.
1.2 Environmental Assessment History
Rustler's Roost Mining Pty Ltd lodged a Notice of Intent (NOI) with the Department of Mines and Energy (DME) in August 1996 to expand the mine and upgrade the facilities at the Rustler's Roost Gold Mine. The NOI was considered by the Project Assessment Committee (PAC) comprising officers of the Department of Lands, Planning and Environment (DLPE) and DME. PAC considered the environmental issues associated with the proposal significant enough to warrant assessment under the Environmental Assessment Act at the level of an EIS. The Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment accepted the PAC's recommendation and on 31 October 1996 determined that an EIS would be required.
Draft guidelines for the preparation of a draft EIS were advertised for public comment and circulated to NT Government advisory bodies for comment on 3 December 1996. Two public comments were received. Final guidelines were prepared taking into account the comments received from the public and government agencies. The Minister issued the final guidelines and a direction to prepare the EIS to the proponent on 19 December 1996.
The draft EIS was submitted in February 1997 and placed on public review for 4 weeks until 10 March 1997. It was also circulated to government advisory bodies for review and comment. No public comments were received whilst the comments from advisory bodies were consolidated into one NT Government submission (see Appendix A). This submission was forwarded to the proponent at the close of the public review period for the proponent to prepare a supplement addressing the issues raised by the NT Government.
The Supplement was submitted to DLPE on 25 June 1997 and circulated to government advisory bodies for review and comment. Their comments have been incorporated in this report.