
Contact details

LicenceGeneral 24 hour emergency
(previously EPL93)
Mr John Mousellis
General Manager
P: 08 8947 0181
M: 0418 895 233
A: GPO Box 4616, Darwin NT 0801
John Mousellis
General Director
M: 0418 895 233

Ekaterina (Kathy) Tomazos
Administration Manager
0448 896 010 

Licence details

LicenceActivityDocument Commence date Expiry date
EPL227 Listed waste handler Environment Protection Licence PDF (132.5 KB) 20 November 2022 19 November 2032

Plans for environmental management

Licence Management plan
EPL227 Environmental management plan PDF (1.1 MB)
EPL227 Emergency Response Plan PDF (1.3 MB)
EPL227 Environmental Aspect and Impacts Register PDF (761.3 KB)
EPL227 Project Risk Assessment - Waste Collection PDF (979.3 KB)

Annual Returns (Annual Audit and Compliance Report)

An Annual Return (or Annual Audit and Compliance Report) is a self-assessment conducted by an approval holder or licensee. The NT EPA uses these reports to inform and prioritise NT EPA compliance activities. By making Annual Returns publicly available they provide the community and others with information on the performance of approval holders and licensees.

LicenceReport Report period
EPL227-02Mousellis and Sons Pty Ltd Annual Return  PDF (124.7 KB)2023/2024
EPL227-02Mousellis and Sons Pty Ltd Annual Return PDF (268.9 KB) 2022/2023
EPL227-02 Mousellis and Sons Pty Ltd Annual Return PDF (1.2 MB) 2021/2022
EPL227-01 Mousellis and Sons Pty Ltd Annual Return PDF (519.4 KB) 2021/2022
EPL227 Mousellis and Sons Annual Return  PDF (273.8 KB) 2019/2020

Property details

Licence Location of premises / operations Lot - Section - Portion Land admin location
EPL227 16 Willes Road, Berrimah Lot 07835 Hundred of Bagot
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