
Proponent: AAPowerlink Australia Assets Pty Ltd


AAPowerlink Australia Assets Pty Ltd is proposing to establish a large-scale solar farm and energy storage facility in the Barkly region, Northern Territory (NT), with power exported via a high-voltage direct current transmission network to Murrumujuk on Gunn Point Peninsula, north-east of Darwin, and then sub-sea cable through NT, national and international waters to Singapore.

Stage 1: Referral

NT EPA notices about referral

Public consultation on the referral

Statutory notice (19 October 2020)

The NT EPA published a statutory notice on 19 October 2020 inviting public comment on a proponent initiated EIS referral submitted by Sun Cable Pty Ltd to develop the Australia-ASEAN Power Link.

Interested persons were invited to make a submission by 27 November 2020. The NT EPA published the notice in accordance with regulation 52(1) of the Environment Protection Regulations 2020.

Impact assessment documents

Referral Type
Referral form PDF 691.8 KB
Referral main report PDF 21.0 MB
Referral appendices PDF 28.0 MB
Statement of reasons PDF 1.4 MB
Draft terms of reference PDF 1.7 MB

Public consultation on the significant variation

Statutory notice (13 August 2021)

The NT EPA published a statutory notice on 13 August 2021 inviting public comment on a significant variation and amending terms of reference for the Australia-ASEAN Power Link, submitted by Sun Cable Pty Ltd.

Interested persons were invited to make a submission by 24 September 2021. The NT EPA published the notice in accordance with regulation 170(1) of the Environment Protection Regulations 2020.

Impact assessment documents

Terms of reference

Terms of reference for an EIS Type
Terms of reference for an EIS - 5 October 2021 PDF 1.5 MB

Public consultation on the draft EIS

Statutory notice (20 April 2022)

The NT EPA published a statutory notice on 20 April 2022 inviting public comment on the draft EIS for the Australia-Asia PowerLink project submitted by AAPowerlink Australia Assets Pty Ltd.

The draft EIS documents were able to be inspected and obtained on this webpage, and at the following locations:

  • Adelaide River Post Office Store, 1 Stuart Highway, Adelaide River
  • Barkly Regional Council Office, 41 Peko Road Tennant Creek NT
  • Elliott Post Office, Elliott
  • Environment Centre Northern Territory, Unit 3, 98 Woods Street, Darwin
  • Katherine Public Library, Level 1, Randazzo Centre, Katherine Terrace, Katherine
  • Northern Land Council, 45 Mitchell Street, Darwin
  • Northern Territory Library, Parliament House, Darwin
  • Victoria Daly Regional Council – Pine Creek Office, 55 Moule Street, Pine Creek
  • NT EPA, Level 1, Arnhemica House, 16 Parap Road, Parap

Interested persons were invited to make a submission by 15 July 2022. The NT EPA published the notice in accordance in accordance with regulation 133 of the Environment Protection Regulations 2020.

Submissions received on draft EIS Type
Government authority submissions
1 Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority PDF 96.2 KB
2 Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet PDF 595.6 KB
3 Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water PDF 212.5 KB
4 Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security PDF 684.6 KB
5 Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade PDF 127.5 KB
6 Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics PDF 533.7 KB
7 Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services PDF 589.3 KB
8 Territory Families, Housing and Communities PDF 600.4 KB
Public submissions
9 Anonymous 1 PDF 785.4 KB
10 Anonymous 2 PDF 80.5 KB
11 Bobby Flanagan PDF 74.1 KB
12 Brigid Robertson PDF 11.3 KB
13 Coomalie Community Government Council PDF 12.8 KB
14 Environment Centre NT Inc PDF 340.5 KB
15 Litchfield Council PDF 87.4 KB
16 Mathew Farmer PDF 401.7 KB
17 Michelle Nicolson PDF 887.6 KB
18 NT Field and Game Association Inc PDF 116.8 KB
19 NT Land Corporation PDF 176.2 KB
20 Sharon Scurr PDF 395.5 KB

Three public submissions received in relation to the referral have been withheld from publication in accordance with regulation 269 of the Environment Protection Regulations 2020.

Impact assessment documents

Draft EIS Type
EIS executive summary PDF 3.9 MB
Glossary of terms and acronyms PDF 385.8 KB
Summary of contents PDF 448.5 KB
Chapter 1 - Introduction PDF 11.7 MB
Chapter 2 - 01 - Proposal description PDF 16.1 MB
Chapter 2 - 02 - Proposal description PDF 10.6 MB
Chapter 3 - Impact assessment PDF 641.1 KB
Chapter 4 - Terrestrial environment quality PDF 5.5 MB
Chapter 5 - Terrestrial ecosystems PDF 11.7 MB
Chapter 6 - Hydrological processes PDF 14.4 MB
Chapter 7 - Inland water environment quality PDF 4.0 MB
Chapter 8 - Aquatic ecosystems PDF 5.9 MB
Chapter 9 - Marine environment quality PDF 10.1 MB
Chapter 10 - Marine ecosystems PDF 10.9 MB
Chapter 11 - Air quality PDF 6.2 MB
Chapter 12 - Atmospheric processes PDF 792.0 KB
Chapter 13 - Community and economy PDF 2.6 MB
Chapter 14 - Culture and heritage PDF 4.9 MB
Chapter 15 - Human health PDF 5.3 MB
Chapter 16 - Matters of national environmental significance PDF 2.1 MB
Chapter 17 - Environmental management PDF 1.0 MB
Chapter 18 - Whole of environment PDF 393.7 KB
A EIS terms of reference cross reference table PDF 525.3 KB
B Requirements of the Environment Protection Act sections 42 and 43 PDF 267.1 KB
C Other matters required by schedule 4 of the EPBC Regulations PDF 307.1 KB
D EIS team PDF 835.1 KB
E Impact assessment registers PDF 1.8 MB
F Stakeholder consultation report PDF 3.6 MB
G Economic assessment PDF 13.8 MB
H Carbon emissions study and GHG abatement plan PDF 1.4 MB
I Social impact assessment PDF 8.6 MB
J Social impact management plan PDF 2.0 MB
K Traffic impact study PDF 3.0 MB
L Noise technical memo PDF 9.1 MB
M Erosion hazard assessment PDF 4.9 MB
N Flood modelling report PDF 11.3 MB
O-1 Terrestrial ecology report for Solar Precinct PDF 6.3 MB
O-2 Terrestrial ecology report for Solar Precinct PDF 16.3 MB
O-3 Terrestrial ecology report for Solar Precinct - appendix A PDF 9.2 MB
O-4 Terrestrial ecology report for Solar Precinct - appendix A sub appendices PDF 11.0 MB
O-5 Terrestrial ecology report for Solar Precinct - appendices B, C, D, E, F, G, H PDF 14.2 MB
P-1 Terrestrial ecology report for OHTL and Murrumujuk PDF 17.8 MB
P-2 Terrestrial ecology report for OHTL and Murrumujuk PDF 12.9 MB
P-3 Terrestrial ecology report for OHTL and Murrumujuk PDF 665.5 KB
Q Weed management plan PDF 4.2 MB
R Marine modelling report PDF 5.3 MB
S Marine environmental quality report PDF 6.0 MB
T Marine ecology report PDF 14.4 MB
U Air quality impact assessment PDF 6.4 MB
V Heritage impact assessment - Solar Precinct PDF 14.2 MB
W-1 Heritage impact assessment OHTL KP77 to Murrumujuk PDF 3.6 MB
W-2 Heritage impact assessment OHTL KP77 to Murrumujuk - sub appendices PDF 18.6 MB
X Heritage impact assessment - Subsea Cable System PDF 2.8 MB
Y Industry capability network PDF 8.9 MB

Supplement to the draft EIS

NT EPA notice

Public consultation on the supplement

Statutory notice (7 December 2022)

The NT EPA published a statutory notice on 7 December 2022 inviting public comment on the Supplement to the draft Environmental Impact Statement (supplement) for the Australia-Asia PowerLink project submitted by AAPowerlink Australia Assets Pty Ltd.

The Supplement documents were able be inspected and obtained on this webpage, and at the following locations:

  • Adelaide River Post Office Store, 1 Stuart Highway, Adelaide River
  • Barkly Regional Council Office, 41 Peko Road Tennant Creek NT
  • Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security / NT EPA, Level 1 Arnhemica House, 16 Parap Road, Parap
  • Elliott Post Office, Elliott
  • Environment Centre Northern Territory, Unit 3, 98 Woods Street, Darwin
  • Katherine Public Library, Level 1, Randazzo Centre, Katherine Terrace, Katherine
  • Northern Land Council, 45 Mitchell Street, Darwin
  • Northern Territory Library, Parliament House, Darwin
  • Taminmin Community Library, Challoner Circuit, Humpty Doo
  • Victoria Daly Regional Council – Pine Creek Office, 55 Moule Street, Pine Creek

Interested persons were invited to make a submission by 31 January 2023. The NT EPA published this notice in accordance with regulation 139 of the Environment Protection Regulations 2020.

Submissions received on the Supplement Type
Government authority submissions
1 Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority PDF 184.8 KB
2 Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water PDF 326.0 KB
3 Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security PDF 896.3 KB
4 Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade PDF 723.3 KB
5 Department of Infrastructure, Planning & Logistics PDF 2.8 MB
6 Northern Land Council PDF 366.7 KB
7 NT WorkSafe PDF 173.4 KB
8 Territory Families, Housing and Communities PDF 75.1 KB
9 Tourism NT PDF 617.9 KB
Public submissions
10 Northern Territory Land Corporation PDF 1.2 MB

Impact assessment documents

Supplement Type
Declaration form PDF 695.8 KB
Glossary of terms and acronyms PDF 163.6 KB
Executive summary PDF 361.8 KB
Table of contents PDF 591.9 KB
Chapter 1 Introduction PDF 225.7 KB
Chapter 2 Project refinements PDF 16.0 MB
Chapter 3 Stakeholder and community engagement PDF 949.3 KB
Chapter 4 Terrestrial environmental quality PDF 18.9 MB
Chapter 5 Terrestrial ecosystems PDF 19.0 MB
Chapter 6 Hydrology PDF 11.0 MB
Chapter 7 Aquatic ecosystems PDF 16.1 MB
Chapter 8 Marine environmental quality PDF 11.0 MB
Chapter 9 Marine ecosystems PDF 1.2 MB
Chapter 10 Amenity PDF 1.6 MB
Chapter 11 Atmospheric processes PDF 206.7 KB
Chapter 12 Land use and transport PDF 669.0 KB
Chapter 13 Culture and heritage PDF 10.7 MB
Chapter 14 Human health PDF 16.8 MB
Chapter 15 Matter of National Environmental Significance PDF 348.8 KB
Chapter 16 Whole of environment PDF 239.8 KB
Chapter 17 Environmental management PDF 229.7 KB
Chapter 18 Reference list PDF 295.8 KB
1.1 Response to NT EPA direction PDF 315.5 KB
1.2 Requirement checklist for EIS Supplement PDF 111.2 KB
1.3 EIS submissions cross reference table PDF 464.7 KB
1.4 Requirements of the EPBC Act Sections 42 and 43 PDF 110.8 KB
1.5 EIS team PDF 113.2 KB
2.1 Environmental design criteria and standards PDF 626.7 KB
2.2 OHTL project mapping PDF 19.0 MB
3.1 Stakeholder Consultation Report PDF 10.4 MB
3.2 Social Impact Management Plan PDF 9.5 MB
4.1 Constraints Planning and Field Development Procedure PDF 406.7 KB
5.1 Ecology Report - Part 1 - Threatened Species PDF 9.6 MB
5.2 Ecology Report - Part 2 PDF 8.0 MB
5.3 Weed Management Plan PDF 4.5 MB
5.4 OHTL Vegetation Management Framework PDF 215.0 KB
6.1 Groundwater Assessment - Solar Precinct PDF 3.3 MB
7 No Appendix for corresponding chapter
8.1 part 1 Marine Cable Burial Risk Assessment (CONFIDENTIAL)
8.1 part 2 Marine Cable Burial Risk Assessment (CONFIDENTIAL)
8.2 Guardian Geomatics Interim Report (CONFIDENTIAL)
8.3 part 1 Sediment Sampling and Analysis Plan (SSAP) Implementation Report PDF 3.9 MB
8.3 part 2 SSAP Implementation Report PDF 18.8 MB
8.3 part 3 SSAP Implementation Report PDF 19.1 MB
8.3 part 4 SSAP Implementation Report PDF 17.3 MB
8.3 part 5 SSAP Implementation Report PDF 14.1 MB
8.3 part 6 SSAP Implementation Report PDF 15.4 MB
8.3 part 7 SSAP Implementation Report PDF 19.2 MB
8.3 part 8 SSAP Implementation Report PDF 17.0 MB
8.3 part 9 SSAP Implementation Report PDF 18.8 MB
8.3 part 10 SSAP Implementation Report PDF 18.6 MB
8.3 part 11 SSAP Implementation Report PDF 4.5 MB
8.3 part 12 SSAP Implementation Report PDF 16.4 MB
8.3 part 13 SSAP Implementation Report PDF 13.0 MB
8.3 part 14 SSAP Implementation Report PDF 19.2 MB
8.3 part 15 SSAP Implementation Report PDF 5.4 MB
8.4 Sediment Sampling and Analysis Plan (CONFIDENTIAL)
9.1 Memorandum: Benthic Video Footage Analysis PDF 2.6 MB
10.1 Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment PDF 14.8 MB
11 No Appendix for corresponding chapter
12.1 Land Based Electrode Technical Report PDF 2.6 MB
13.1 Desktop Cultural Heritage Survey PDF 188.7 KB
14 No Appendix for corresponding chapter
15.1 Checklist for Schedule 4 of EPBC Regulations PDF 164.9 KB
16.1 Impact Assessment Table - Construction PDF 460.1 KB
16.2 Impact Assessment Table - Operations PDF 384.0 KB

Additional Information

Public consultation on additional information

Statutory notice (17 November 2023)

The NT EPA published a statutory notice on 17 November 2023 inviting public comment on the additional information to the draft Environmental Impact Statement (supplement) for the Australia-Asia PowerLink project submitted by AAPowerlink Australia Assets Pty Ltd.

The additional information documents were able be inspected and obtained on this webpage, and at the following locations:

  • Adelaide River Post Office Store, 1 Stuart Highway, Adelaide River
  • Barkly Regional Council Office, 41 Peko Road Tennant Creek NT
  • Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security / NT EPA, Level 1 Arnhemica House, 16 Parap Road, Parap
  • Elliott Post Office, Elliott
  • Environment Centre Northern Territory, Unit 3, 98 Woods Street, Darwin
  • Katherine Public Library, Level 1, Randazzo Centre, Katherine Terrace, Katherine
  • Northern Land Council, 45 Mitchell Street, Darwin
  • Northern Territory Library, Parliament House, Darwin
  • Taminmin Community Library, Challoner Circuit, Humpty Doo
  • Victoria Daly Regional Council – Pine Creek Office, 55 Moule Street, Pine Creek

Interested persons were invited to make a submission by 8 December 2023. The NT EPA published this notice in accordance with regulation 85 of the Environment Protection Regulations 2020.

Submissions received are published in accordance with regulation 267 of the Environment Protection Regulations 2020.

Submissions received on the additional information Type
Government authority submissions
1 Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water PDF 761.9 KB
2 Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security PDF 1.2 MB
3 Department of Infrastructure, Planning & Logistics PDF 689.7 KB
4 Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities PDF 435.6 KB
5 Northern Land Council PDF 8.2 MB
Public submissions
6 Brian Zweck PDF 8.4 KB
7 Brigid Robertson PDF 8.7 KB
8 Jessie Brown PDF 8.4 KB
9 Nicola Hanrahan PDF 127.7 KB
10 Northern Territory Land Corporation PDF 291.3 KB

Impact assessment documents

Additional Information #2

Consultation on additional information

Government authorities were invited to make a submission. Submissions received are published in accordance with regulation 267 of the Environment Protection Regulations 2020.

Submissions received on the additional information #2 Type
Government authority submissions
1 Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water PDF 602.5 KB
2 Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security PDF 504.1 KB
3 Department of Infrastructure, Planning & Logistics PDF 557.7 KB

Impact assessment documents

Additional information #2 Type
Declaration form PDF 778.2 KB
Response to NT EPA Direction PDF 14.1 MB

Stage 3: Assessment completed

NT EPA notice

The NT EPA completed its environmental impact assessment on 24 June 2024 and provided its Assessment Report and draft Environmental Approval to the Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Security, under sections 64 and 65 of the EP Act.

The Assessment Report and draft Environmental Approval may be inspected and obtained below.

The NT EPA publishes this notice in accordance with section 67 of the Environment Protection Act 2019.

Once the Minister for Environment’s decision is made, it can be viewed on the DEPWS website.

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